Why Using a Local Detroit Area Office Cleaning Service Matters
Everything else being equal, using a local Michigan office cleaning company is always better. Local companies keep jobs and taxes right here in our state. Likewise, using locally owned businesses helps our local economy thrive by stabilizing the economy and investing in Michiganites that have the best interests of their local communities and our state in mind. Think about it, a business owned by Michigan residents isn’t likely to move locations for cheaper labor or fewer taxes because their lives, work and children are solidly centered here in our state. Supporting locally owned businesses helps us create a diverse and robust local economy that is less dependent on the highs and lows of the national economy.
The Pros & Cons of National Office Cleaning Companies
Think you might need or benefit fromnational office cleaning services? In our experience, most businesses don’t really benefit with national office cleaning companies. Most of the pros of a national company, like buying power and scale can be had with one of the larger, local office cleaners. Enormous national janitorial corporations are outfitted to handle the largest, multi-million dollar accounts. But they tend to fill in the gaps with small and medium sized businesses. So they’ll take your business but with so many customers in so many states and so many of them larger than your business, getting your facility’s needs put front and center might prove to be difficult. National janitorial services tend to keep their eye on the prize, providing healthy returns for shareholders, that’s how corporations work. Yet, this approach becomes what determines their methods, systems and procedures-- not a steadfast commitment to effective service, satisfied customers or a solid reputation in your community
Bigger Isn’t Necessarily Better But Size Matters With Office Cleaning Services
While bigger is no indication of better when it comes to commercial office cleaning services, size matters because if office janitorial services is sized to small for your facility they simply wont be prepared to do the work you need. Too small and they lack the buying power, formal systems, labor pool and specialization to handle larger accounts. Office cleaning companies run the gamut in size. There are the smallest individual providers, there are small business start ups getting their feet wet in office cleaning, there are mid sized office cleaning companies who have grown as they effectively delivered services adding customers and managing their growing pains, and there are large, established local office cleaning companies that offer a myriad of services, have a large labor pool that allows them to quickly respond to customer needs and handle the ups and downs of business changes and growth, they have buying power equal to most national cleaning companies, they have established practices and systems to handle larger, complex facilities and provide effective, reliable office cleaning services and yet, they are still local and offer customers all of the benefits of a locally owned company.
Local Is Better in Office Cleaning IF They Are Equipped to Do the Job
A local office cleaning service is great for all the reason discussed but the have to be the RIGHT local office cleaners. Whether it’s medical office cleaning, general office cleaning or other office cleaning, the company you partner with must be prepared and equipped to do the job. So in making your short list, consider local janitorial companies and then look for those prepared to deliver quality work, every time. What makes an office cleaning company able to effectively deliver office cleaning services? They should have very good people because all service businesses rely on people to deliver the services. Good employees are the product of good practices when it comes to hiring, training and managing. So look for commercial cleaning companies that can show you they do just that. The most effective janitorial service providers attract good candidates through a positive reputation within the community. Then, they screen would be employees well beyond the minimum requirements. So of course, employees are getting a full drug screening and criminal background check, but they are also getting past employment verified and even personality testing to find those employees that are a very good fit for the work at hand. Then this cache of employees receives the needed general and specific training in order to set them up for success in your facility. Finally, they are equipped, managed and incentivized to do their best work for you the customer. Additionally, the best commercial office cleaning companies have transparent pricing. Why does clear pricing matter? First, it allows you to compare office cleaning prices to find the best value for your facility. Second, clear cleaning quotes include the scope of work, detailed in a precise way, which allows you to hold your office cleaners accountable to the work they promised. This creates an environment where you and your commercial cleaning company are on the same page and can define success together, agreeing on what that looks like. Next, the best office cleaning companies give you a clear path to a point person when there is an issue because they know issues can arise and they want to nip them in the bud before they become real problems.
Making It Easier to Get the Commercial Office Cleaning You Need
So how do you separate the sales talk from the straight talk when considering prospective professional office cleaning services? How do you put together a short list of solid janitorial services companies that you can then go vet in order to save time and weed out those office cleaning companies just not up to the work? Using CIMS can provide you with a good way to weed out companies that just aren’t set up to succeed. CIMS Certification can help you identify those office cleaners who have solid service delivery and training systems in place. CIMS, or Cleaning Industry Management Standard is an advanced certification available to companies in the building services industry that meet strict performance benchmarks like:
- Quality Systems: A framework to assure operational efficiency & ongoing improvements
- Service Delivery: Appropriate systems in place to deliver consistent, quality, effective service
- Human Resources: Best practices for managing any service industry’s greatest asset—their people
- Health, Safety, & Environmental Stewardship: Ensuring regulatory compliance, workplace safety, and health and environmental management
- Management Commitment: Establishing a Mission, Vision, and Values that safeguard that the organization's continued success.
CIMS is a hard won certification that establishes a building services provider’s commitment to effective, consistent service. CIMS offers you a true shortcut to finding a great Detroit area office cleaning service.
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