Commercial Carpet Offers A Premium Look But Isn’t Maintenance Free
Carpet in a commercial facility offers an up market look, sound dampening and is easy on the feet of the individuals that move about your building. But commercial carpeting doesn't come cheap. Carpeting a commercial building in southeast Michigan can come with an unbelievably high price tag. Whether you inherited a carpeted facility or made the decision to carpet, you know the costs involved in replacing commercial carpeting. Your facility’s carpet is a colossal investment that you no doubt want to protect, so why are you waiting so long between commercial carpet cleanings? The best way to protect this asset is with regular, professional commercial carpet cleaning services, but far too may Facility Managers wait too long to get their carpets cleaned.
Don’t Wait Until Carpets Are Visibly Dirty
We understand the budgetary pressures most Facility Managers are under, we face them in our own business. We know that delaying some maintenance tasks can help you make the budget you have last the length of time you need it to. These days, so many of the Facility Managers we work with are asked to get by on razor thin budgets. So the pressure to tighten belts even more can be crushing. You might look at your carpets and think, they aren't THAT dirty yet, maybe I can hold off another couple of months or even wait until the next fiscal year. The problem is that just because your carpets don’t look dirty, doesn’t mean they aren’t, and dirt left behind in carpets will, over time, cause premature wear and replacement.
Why Even Invisible Grit & Dirt Wear Commercial Carpets
Even when carpeting does not look too bad, if it has been awhile since the last commercial carpet cleaning, there will be dirt, grit and grime collected in the carpet’s pile. This collected detritus can cause major wear and tear on carpets. How, you might ask? If you were to look at the debris under a microscope, you would see very sharp and jagged surfaces. These sharp and jagged edges act like knives cutting at the carpet fibers every time carpet is walked upon. It doesn’t take long for this to damage your carpet, loosening fibers, wearing the caret’s pile and even giving carpets a dull, aged, worn look. What kind of particulates can collect in carpeting?
- Dirt and soil
- Sloughed off hair and skin cells
- Salts from parking lots and walkways
- Residual oils from car and building emissions
- Fine dirt, dust and grit carried in from the outdoors
- Allergens
- Bacteria
- Chemicals
Likewise, going too long without the recommended office carpet cleaning can even void your carpet’s warranty. This is because commercial carpet manufacturers know that regular commercial carpet cleaning helps extend the lifespan and look of their product. Carpet in a commercial facility generally takes a pretty good beating with heavy foot traffic. This can cause carpets to collect dirt, grime and soils and even crush and mat the carpet’s surface. By the time your carpets look visibly soiled, grit has already been allowed to unnecessarily wear carpets. While it’s better to clean carpets at the regular intervals recommended by the manufacturer, even if you have waited longer than you should have, giving carpets a deep clean will improve their appearance and extend their usable lifespan moving forward.
Regular Scheduled Carpet Cleaning Services Protect Your Investment
A regular carpet appearance management program can remove the visible grime and the hidden grit that can do real, lasting damage to your carpets. Both deep cleaning and periodic carpet maintenance will improve the look of your carpets and, more importantly, extend its life. Regular commercial carpet removes visible wear and staining, revives older carpeting giving it a few more good years of service, removes odors freshening up your facility and removing unpleasant odors and keeps carpet fibers from matting and crushing, thereby eliminating or reducing wear patterns in your building’s most heavily trafficked areas.
How Frequently Should You Have Your Carpeting Cleaned?
Every bit of grit and grime that make its way into your carpeting is likely to be a factor in diminishing its appearance, creating an unpleasant, lingering odor, and wearing at its fibers. When material gets tracked into your facility, you should consider your building’s traffic and use patterns, and consult your carpeting manufacturer to get recommendations on how often it should be cleaned. The right Detroit carpet cleaning company can help you establish a carpet care program that fits your carpet type, your facility and your budget. For some customers, that looks like a spot cleaning and high traffic area cleaning every few months with a deep cleaning twice a year. Some facilities require more, others less. But find the right Detroit area commercial carpet cleaning company and they can design a plan unique to your needs that allows you to affordably maintain your carpets and keep them looking their best throughout the year.
Don’t Wait Another Day
In business over thirty years, at Stathakis, we have built a reputation for effective, responsive, building maintenance services. We offer a number of solutions to your building maintenance needs including commercial carpet cleaning services. Every facility is unique so we utilize a number of modern, effective carpet cleaning technologies in order to offer you the solution that is best for your facility, your carpet and your budget.
We offer the most state of the art cleaning methods like truck mounted carpet cleaning, portable machine carpet cleaning, low moisture carpet cleaning, dry carpet cleaning all designed to get your carpets deep cleaned with a measurable improvement in carpet’s appearance and life span.
We offer both on-demand carpet cleaning and subscription based carpet cleaning programs that can help you get the value you need and diminish the time consuming struggle to planning continued carpet maintenance. For more information on Michigan carpet cleaning and how you can keep your floors cleaner than they have ever been, please contact Matt Brown, Stathakis Special Projects Manager at #800-278-1884.
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