Healthcare Cleaning Not Just About Appearances, It’s About Health
Healthcare facilities like medical offices, clinics, ambulatory care centers, hospitals and more all require a level of maintenance and cleaning that goes well above standard commercial janitorial services. What’s ‘good enough’ for a general office just doesn’t cut it in a healthcare setting. In your medical facility, cleaning isn’t just about appearances it’s about health. So if you have carpeting in areas of your facility, it is imperative it is well maintained. Not only does clean, fresh carpet look great, it gives an impression about the cleanliness and care at your facility. Much like medical care, commercial carpet cleaning has specialists with better training, better oversight and better equipment. The results? More effective carpet cleaning and enhanced service delivery. Don’t trust just anyone to deliver the healthy clean your medical facility carpets require.
Diagnosing Problems That May Impact Your Medical Carpet Cleaning
Partner with the wrong commercial carpet cleaning company and you could be left feeling the pain. Carpet cleaning has advanced tremendously in the last few years and technology has driven better practices, equipment, cleaning solutions and more with better results. If your prospective commercial carpet cleaning company isn’t poised to deliver, your carpet cleaning and overall facility cleanliness will suffer. How do you diagnose problems from your prospective commercial carpet cleaning company? Look for these signs that you are not going to get what you need.
Experience & Knowledge Are Critical
Who would you rather be on the case if you had a serious illness, an experienced doctor who is leader in their field or an inexperienced or fly by the seat of their pants physician or even someone who is not even a doctor at all? Certainly commercial carpet cleaning isn’t the life or death equation that medical care is but we can certainly draw parallels in professionalism. Carpet cleaning companies that do not have the experience or knowledge to protect your carpets may prematurely wear your carpets, damage your carpets, void you carpet’s warranty and ultimately get you far less effective commercial carpeting that would be possible with a better, more experienced commercial cleaning company. How do you find those companies that are better, more experienced, and more professional? Professional certifications like the ISSA’s CIMS can be used to find those commercial carpet cleaning companies who are already working with industry best standards. These valuable industry certifications offer a valuable, free tool to help Facility Managers partner with professional providers.
Well-Trained Technicians & Teams
When you are receiving care in a surgical suite, do you want anything less than highly skilled medical professionals and an experienced team working on you? Of course not. Better outcomes from more experienced professionals are not reserved to the medical community. Every field has its more highly trained experts delivering the highest levels of care. So when you are considering commercial carpet cleaning, look for those companies that are committed to solid training. Commercial carpet cleaning has become much more science and technology driven over the past few years and that requires people capable of understanding the methods and practices that work best. If a commercial cleaning company isn’t sufficiently training their teams on everything from operating equipment to safe chemical use, they are putting you, your staff, patients, carpet and facility’s reputation at risk.
Advanced Equipment Gets Better Results
Again drawing parallels between medical care and carpet cleaning, equipment matters. Equipment in any business is an investment, but a worthy investment. All too often, some carpet cleaners cling to poorly maintained, outdated equipment because it is good for their bottom line, but not yours. Outdated modes of carpet cleaning, like Bonnet carpet cleaning, have actually been proven to be ineffective and far too hard on carpets. If your carpet cleaning company is using outmoded, poorly maintained equipment, they are putting your facility at risk. Carpet cleaning technology has taken significant leaps ahead so if your Detroit commercial carpet cleaning company is using ill suited or old equipment, it can be costly, ineffective, dangerous and waste resources. Outdated modes like Bonnet carpet cleaning are even likely to void your carpet’s warranty. With such a costly asset, you must get as many years from it as possible. No Facility Manager wants to replace this costly asset sooner than necessary.
Chemical Use, Overuse, Green Carpet Cleaning & Your Facility
Expertise from your commercial carpet cleaning company is critical, especially when it comes to chemical use. Even in green carpet cleaning, the appropriate chemicals, used carefully, have their place. But when an inexperienced or careless commercial carpet cleaners misuse or overuse carpet cleaning chemicals, they put you at risk. Misuse and overuse of chemicals can damage and wear carpets and even compromise health and safety. Carpet cleaning technicians must be adequately trained in chemical use and safety. In this way, they not only can get you the best result from your professional carpet cleaning, they can protect the overall health and safety of your facility.
Quick Treatment to Assure Long Term Health
How often in medical care do we recommend screening, regular checkups and treating minor problems early before they become major problems? The same goes for your commercial carpeting. This is a problem shared by both you as a Facility Manager and your carpet cleaning company. When you see wear patterns and staining, you should ensure your chosen carpet cleaning company attends to the issues quickly. When cleaning companies and Facility Mangers do not remedy these issues quickly, stains are more likely to set in and wear marks become harder to treat. The faster your commercial carpets get the medical office carpet cleaning and maintenance they need, the better the result.
The Final Diagnosis
Medical Cleaning is essential to a clean and healthy appearance in your medical facility and carpet cleaning is one component of a successful healthcare cleaning program. Of course, quick and cheap carpet cleaning might work in a general office (we still advise against it for obvious reasons), but it is especially unsuitable for medical and healthcare facilities. You and your facility need professional carpet cleaners that understand the specific needs of healthcare facilities and medical office cleaning.
Here at Stathakis, we have worked with Michigan medical providers for decades. We understand the unique requirements in healthcare facilities. From a higher standard of clean to more complex compliance requirements, we know not just any medical office cleaning service fits the bill. In our over thirty years in business, we have built a reputation for effective, responsive, solid carpet cleaning and maintenance. Our commercial carpet cleaning services are customized to meet the needs of your facility. Our modern, effective carpet cleaning technologies in offer you the solution that is best for your facility, your carpet and your budget. At your disposal are proven carpet cleaning methods including truck mounted carpet cleaning, portable machine carpet cleaning,low moisture carpet cleaning, dry carpet cleaning all designed to result in a deep clean, improved carpet appearance, an extended life span for your carpet and improved indoor air quality. We offer both on-demand carpet cleaning and subscription based carpet cleaning programs that can net you real value and reduce the hassle of planning continued carpet maintenance. For more information on how you can keep your floors cleaner than they have ever been, please contact Matt Brown, Stathakis Special Projects Manager at #800-278-1884.
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