Why Is It So Tough to Find a Great Commercial Cleaning Company?
Finding the right cleaning company or janitorial service can be challenging in part because there are so many different providers. From the ‘one man and a van’ operations to mid level janitorial services to large local companies, national companies and even franchise operations, the choices seem endless. If you are a Facilities Manager trying to find the right commercial cleaning company for your organization, wading through all of the choices can be overwhelming. Add to that the fact that while most of these companies want your business, not all of them are prepared to and able to service your facility in the way you need.
What Exactly Is the Certified Industry Management Standard (CIMS)?
There is no way to eliminate all of the work from finding the right commercial cleaning company for your facility but there are some surefire ways to make the process much, much easier. One tool you can use to weed out companies not in the best position to offer customer-centered service is through CIMS Certification. CIMS Certification is administered by the ISSA. The ISSA is the leading trade association for the cleaning industry worldwide with a membership that includes more than 5,500 distributors, manufacturers, manufacturer representatives, building service contractors and associated service members. The ISSA’s CIMS offers a professional certification that allows a building services company to demonstrate their commitment to be counted among the best in their industry by aligning with the industry’s identified best practices.
The standard can be understood as a management framework used to develop customer-centered, quality organizations. CIMS and CIMS-GB emphasize the critical elements of a customer-centered, well-managed and sustainable organization. The cleaning companies and janitorial services companies that want to attain certification must complete a comprehensive on-site assessment by an independent, accredited assessor who evaluates whether or not an organization is operating at a level indicative of the industry’s best.
CIMS Measure Six Major Mainstays of Commercial Cleaning Excellence
CIMS offer professional, customer-focused cleaning companies a yardstick with which to measure and work toward achieving the highest levels of professionalism and excellence. And phrases like ‘industry’s best and ‘highest level of service’ are not thrown around lightly. There are a number of clear, measurable areas a business must show not only proficiency but master of. CIMS is built around six areas of industry best practices that are consistently the foundation of high-performing, customer-focused cleaning organizations:
• Quality Systems
• Service Delivery
• Health, Safety & Environmental Stewardship
• Management Commitment
• Green Building & Service
Make the Process of Contracting With a New Janitorial Service Much Easier
Look, CIMS isn’t the only way to find a reputable, experienced professional cleaning company, it’s just the easiest way. There are certainly some high performing cleaning companies who are not CIMS certified, but it isn’t the norm or what you will typically find. There are so many different kinds of building services companies operating at many levels. As a Facility Manager, you can do your due diligence, interviewing, asking questions, observing systems, checking referrals and more and you will probably be able to separate the winners from the losers. The issue is, this kind of due diligence takes time, something most Facility Managers are short on. CIMS, rather than a hollow award like some certifications, is based on accepted management principles from inside and outside the industry that translate into observable, reliable outcomes. When you use CIMS certification to develop a short list of potential companies, you know you are getting companies committed to their business and your business. Then you can use factors like price, availability, flexibility and even your gut instinct to chose a commercial cleaning company from among your short list.
How Does CIMS Certification Make a Commercial Cleaning Company Better Equipped to Clean My Facility?
CIMS makes a commercial cleaning company better equipped to deliver consistent, responsive service because they have made it a priority and applied proven systems and practices to guarantee they are counted among the top echelon of building services companies. Companies, and their leaders, who seek certification are driven and passionate about what they do and it shows. They willingly submit to a voluntary process that is grueling and labor intensive. Why do they do it? Because they want to run reputable, profitable companies and they know that the best way to get there is to deliver on their promises to their customers. They walk the walk and in an industry that sees new startups every day, a janitorial company that is established and committed can be a rare gem.
Contracting With a CIMS Certified Commercial Cleaning Company Saves You Money
Some customers tend to think that the better companies will cost more. While this may be true in some industries, in building maintenance, it doesn’t always hold true. Sometimes, the most experienced professional janitorial companies can offer lower bids because they have become so efficient with processes so streamlined that they simply cost less. In today’s challenging economy, CIMS identifies invaluable efficiencies for service providers and facility managers alike. In fact, the right commercial cleaning company can help you reduce costs and operate more efficiently.
Use CIMS to Make Your Job Easier & Partner With a Contractor Ready to Deliver on their Promises
As a Facility Manager, CIMS can help you in a number of areas. First, CIMS can aid you in finding quality providers that are committed to meeting the needs of your facility. Second, CIMS offers specifications that fit seamlessly into your existing bid requirements. Third, the best practices can serve as a map to help you and your prospective cleaning company measure success. And lastly, even if you aren’t prepared to change your current service provider, you can use the critical service elements to work towards a higher level of compliance and service delivery from your existing janitorial and cleaning contractor. Either way, CIMS can help you get better service form your commercial cleaning company or find one ready to consistently deliver responsive, cusotmer0centered service to you and your facility.
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