Facility Managers are under pressure each day to provide more for less. The constant change in the economy increasingly works its way down into facility management. Everyday we see more and more companies who scale themselves up and back down to become more project based. This is reflected in how we see money unexpectedly pulled from Facility Managers budgets at the drop of a hat. As frustrating as it can be, it has made the modern Facility Manager an even more important part of the puzzle that helps companies function profitably. It has also forced Facility Service Companies to follow suit in eliminating waste to maximize efficiency. So to deliver big, Facility Service Companies have been forced to think smart. It once was said by Seth Godin, “Small is the new Big.” But I would like to rephrase that to “Smart is the new Big.”
Here are some “smart” things that have evolved in the Building Service Contractor industry:
Smart Cleaning v. Everyday Cleaning:
Smart Cleaning means we clean the same amount of space in a fraction of time. No more does everything get cleaned all the time. Today we study buildings to make sure that we utilize labor to only clean what is dirty. Cleaning prices continue to be low even with increased cost for labor, chemical supplies, and paper supplies. More for less has made for a much more efficient Building Service Contractor industry.
What is the secret formula that has helped cleaning companies take the bite off low prices? It has been training that has dramatically increased the worker productivity needed for competitive pricing. Companies are realizing that people are the most valuable asset in an industry with more than 70% labor. The best companies are eager to invest in there people to minimize turnover and maximize efficiency.
SMART PHONES v. Desktop/Laptop Computers:
Smart phones have brought computers into the field. Here is what use to be the steps in doing a building inspection:
Taking a piece of paper into the field to complete an inspection report.
Bring piece of paper back to the office to reenter data into a desktop computer.
Print corrective actions from entering inspection into desktop computer.
Deliver corrective action plan to supervisor.
Here are the steps using smart phone and email technology:
Complete inspection using a Smart Phone and let computers do everything else automatically which include delivering correction action plan to both supervisors and managers.
Once again smart is BIG!
Smart Packaging v. Traditionally Packaged Chemicals:
Dilutable super concentrate cleaning chemicals have substantially reduced packaging size. What does this mean to Cleaning Companies? Fewer resources to transport cleaning chemicals from the manufacturer out into the field. In addition, we are making fewer deliveries by using super concentrate chemicals that can be diluted onsite.
So in a nutshell, smart has made us small which is the new BIG!
If you like our blog, please checkout our website to work with a cleaning service that uses smart to stretch your facility budget to big. Follow this link to find out 7 ways to get more from your current cleaning service:
Learn 7 Ways to get more from your Cleaning Company
There are several simple steps to get more value from your cleaning company. These steps are easy to overlook so we have put them into one simple document that will become your main reference guide to managing the cleaning of your facilty.

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