Independence day offers those of us here in America the opportunity to reflect on our past and imagine our future. This July 4th commemorates the day our Continental Congress declared that those first thirteen colonies were free and no longer the subjects England. What a bold move, what a lofty goal our Founders set for America. Over the last 243 years, we Americans have continued this legacy, a populace of revolutionaries, fighters, sometimes bombastic, argumentative, often firmly entrenched in our opinions and visions for our country.
Certainly in our current times we have seen no less fervor all around. No matter what your leanings or passions regarding politics, Independence Day offers a day to reflect on where we come from and where we are going. It provides us a day to honor our past and the women and men who have fought and died protecting us. It is a good day to revere, respect and uphold the ideas and ideals we have and continually strive for in this country that we are all a part of.
I wish each and all of you, our employees, customers and all of your families
a safe and happy 4th of July. Happy Independence Day!
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