Detroit Michigan Janitorial & Cleaning Services Blog

Commercial Cleaning: Looking Beyond What You Can See

Written by Mitch Hesson | Wed, Dec 14, 2016 @ 12:49 PM


What You Don’t See Still Matters When It Comes to Janitorial Services

There is the appearance of clean and then there is clean, a deep, thorough clean that goes well beyond the surface. Sure, a surface clean is nice; looking clean is important, but equally important is what you cannot see. If you see overflowing trashcans or empty paper towel dispensers in the restrooms, you know your commercial cleaning company is slacking. But what about things you can’t see like a commercial janitorial service neglecting to disinfect touch points like door handles and such that can spread disease and impact serious business outcomes like productivity and absenteeism? There are things you can see and things you can’t that all contribute to deciding whether your commercial cleaning services is ready for award season or about to take their final curtain call. Find out what you need to know to get the most out of your janitorial services and even plan for a new and better partnership with a new commercial cleaning company should it come to that.


Visible Signs It’s Time To Show Your Commercial Cleaning Service the Door

How do you know when it might be time to look for a new commercial cleaning company in Michigan? What visible signs clearly point to it being time to audition new talent for this starring role in your facility? Visible signs can include work not being done. Look, even the best janitorial services will miss something from time to time, but when yours is getting more misses than hits, it might be time to move on. Restrooms are often the area we see problems adding up first. From infrequently stocked supplies to lingering funky odors, to the level of detail and deep clean going down hill, this important communal area can show the early signs of a commercial cleaning service slipping. Visible signs that your janitorial service is slipping can go unnoticed for a time because sometimes, you can become so familiar with your building that you just don’t see the downward spiral in your overall maintenance services. If you seem to be getting more complaints than usual or have noticed a few issues, try to look at your facility with a fresh set of eyes. Enter where your employees and visitors enter and really look at things. Are your entry doors and handles clean and smudge free? Is your lobby or entry clean and table tops and surfaces free of coffee cup rings? Are objects like plants or furniture collecting visible dust? Are carpets clean, vacuumed and free from stains or excessive wear? Then check your restrooms. How do they smell? Are stall doors clean and free from gum, graffiti and the various yuck they seem to be a magnet for? Are hand washing supplies well stocked? Are trash and sanitary disposal containers regularly emptied? Sit where your occupants sit and look around. Sometimes a fresh set of eyes, looking at your building the way others might, can uncover a downturn in service from your commercial janitorial service.


The Signs of Subpar Commercial Cleaning Services That Are Harder to See

Along with the things you can see with your own eyes are the other, less visible signs that your commercial janitorial services are slipping. First, are you receiving more complaints about the cleanliness of your building than usual? When your complaint box fills up faster than your email, it’s probably time to take a closer look at your commercial cleaning company in Michigan. Second, are there noticeable odors in areas of your building? Obvious odors are a sign that while a space may look clean, it really isn’t. Smells are often a sign of bacteria, so when food and waste odors linger in kitchens and break rooms and funky smells hang in the restrooms, something important is being missed. Likewise, while it is normal to have issues come up even with the best Janitorial services, the right thing to do is address and rectify them immediately before a little issue blooms into a big problem. If you aren’t hearing from your commercial cleaning service regularly about issues you are communicating to them, something has to give. Communication paired with regular janitorial inspections is a big part of providing the consistent, reliable service you and your facility deserve.


Recognizing Commercial Janitorial Services That Hit the Mark

What do the most effective commercial cleaning services companies do to set them apart and deliver the kind of deep and lasting clean you need to keep your facility running full steam ahead? First, they set expectations ahead of time with transparent pricing and a clear spec or janitorial bid to delineate duties in a way that keeps everyone accountable and on track. They task employees with specific duties to get a high level of service and instant accountability. They train and manage their teams to the specific needs of your industry and your facility. When mistakes happen, and they do, the best commercial cleaning companies often know before you even do and are quick to remediate problems and make sure the same mistakes don’t happen over and over again. They conduct regular janitorial inspections to keep on their teams, reward great work and correct deficiencies before they impact your overall maintenance. Finally, they use systems and processes to readily notice all of the things that might cause problems in your facility, seen and unseen.


Using Industry Certification To Pick the Right Cleaning Services Company

Finding the right partner for your facility isn’t easy. There are a great deal of factors at play and seeing beyond the sales pitch requires a level of digging most of us don’t have the time to do. Industry certifications like the CIMS, Certified Industry Management Standard, can help identify those companies that are committed to the best practices that match most closely with high service delivery at a reasonable cost. Finding a company that delivers value, consistency and a thorough clean in your facility makes your whole building run better. If you are looking for a CIMS certified partner in your building maintenance, check in with ISSA for a complete list of CIMS certified cleaning companies and building services companies in your area. If you are locate here in South East Michigan and would like a review of your current janitorial services, please contact us at 1-800-278-1884 today for a no obligation review and quote.