Detroit Michigan Janitorial & Cleaning Services Blog

How To End Restroom Cleaning Problems

Written by Bob Abraham | Thu, Dec 20, 2012 @ 04:11 PM
Are your dirty restrooms causing you to lose business? It’s a known fact that one of the top complaints of customers is the dirty and unsanitary state of restrooms. In addition to being a health hazard for everyone in the building, poor restroom cleaning is a major factor that plays into people’s decision on whether or not to return to a business or facility.

The restroom is the busiest area of any building, and such a high traffic space needs more than just frequent wipe downs with a mop and bucket, especially when you consider that that type of restroom cleaning actually just spreads germs around the room and does nothing to hinder odors.
Here are some tips to help you, once and for all, end any restroom cleaning problems you may be experiencing:

  • Don’t just clean: sanitize
Wiping down counters, sinks, etc may make things look nice, but it’s doing nothing to kill germs and bacteria. In the restroom, the potential exists to spread a range of diseases such as the flu, E-coli, strep, and other respiratory illnesses. In order to stop the threat of easily contracting one of these health hazards, restroom cleaning must involve steps in cleaning and sanitation. In order to keep the space truly germ free, the proper cleaning products should be used and in the correct way. Because of this, it’s essential that your cleaning staff be trained and experienced
  • Focus on touch points
In the restroom, cleaning just the large, noticeable areas is the common thing to do. But a cleaning company that understands how germs and bacteria are spread can help you keep disease at bay by paying special attention to the smaller areas of the restroom that are frequently handled and notoriously germy. For example, faucet and toilet handles, dispensers, and doorknobs.
  • Combat odors

It’s common for seemingly clean restrooms to still stink, and many feel that the “solution” to this problem is air fresheners. However, the truth is, that these odors are the result of lingering dirt and bacteria. And many agree that attempting to cover up a fowl stench with rosy air fresheners just creates a restroom that smells worse. You’re getting proper restroom cleaning if your restroom smells like nothing at all: just clean and fresh! This can be done by hiring a cleaning company that understands they must, clean, sanitize, and focus on the small areas of a restroom as well as the big ones to maintain a healthy environment.

Restroom cleaning is a dirty job, one that needs to be done frequently, and certainly not one that you can expect your busy employees to take care of. A cleaning company that is trained in all things related to excellent restroom cleaning can help your business or facility to thrive by keeping your restrooms clean and healthy. The best restroom cleaning keeps your staff healthy and your customers coming back. The payback to you is a higher employee moral and an overall increase in your bottom line.