Detroit Michigan Janitorial & Cleaning Services Blog

Michigan School Cleaning For Children's Health

Written by Chris Stathakis | Thu, Dec 06, 2012 @ 03:03 PM
Our state of Michigan has quite a rich and fascinating history as being a leader in the education of our children. John D. Pierce was a Michigan resident that designed a system to unite elementary, secondary, and high schools into a working public school system that is still in use today and has been adopted all over the country. At Stathakis, we aim to uphold our states reputation as a leader and innovator in education the best way we know how: through impeccable Michigan school cleaning!

When it comes to the cleanliness of our schools, it is not good enough to just look clean. It is about our children’s health; a clean educational environment helps our students to feel better and learn more.

So what should you look for in a Michigan school cleaning company?

The best Michigan school cleaning services should have at least the following three traits:

  • Experience
A school environment can be an unpredictable one, especially for custodians! You never know what kind of situations children will create, and an experienced company will know to be ready for anything. Look for a Michigan school cleaning company that has been around for at least ten years and has a history of Michigan school cleaning.
  • Local
A company that’s based in Michigan is more likely to take an interest in the health and well being of your students. This is because they send their own children to Michigan schools, and are directly involved in your community.
  • Green
Cleaning for health means implementing green Michigan school cleaning techniques that minimize the use of harsh chemicals that are proven to have a negative impact on a student’s, (and your faculty’s) health.

It is important to understand that green cleaning entails more that just using environmentally friendly cleaning products and equipment. Many companies say they offer green cleaning and will show you allegedly green chemicals that boast catchy names to make theme appear environmentally friendly.

There are a few questions your should ask and measures to make to ensure that you’re looking at a Michigan school cleaning company that offers the real deal in green cleaning:

  1. Look for Michigan school cleaning companies that are CIMS GB Certified. Only the industry’s best holds this certification in keeping up Green Buildings (GB).
  2. Make sure your cleaning company has a system in place and documented training programs that focus on and deliver green building services. Ask to see their training logs for that last six months as proof that they really are training for green Michigan school cleaning.
  3. Ask to see documentation and green policies that prove a Michigan school cleaning company has a green cleaning program. Look for at least six months of supporting green documentation (such as green chemical/equipment purchasing logs and equipment repair logs).
The best way to make sure that you are really getting a true green cleaning program is to become an educated consumer. Once you’re educated on the benefits of green Michigan school cleaning, you’ll see how great it can be for the health and minds of students all over Michigan.