Detroit Michigan Janitorial & Cleaning Services Blog

The Right Office Cleaning Service Can Help Your Facility Sparkle

Written by Mitch Hesson | Mon, Sep 10, 2018 @ 11:37 AM

Running a business is challenging enough without having to deal with a dull, dirty facility scaring people off. A sparking facility has a measurable, positive impact on business outcomes and most importantly, your bottom line. Partnering with a professional office cleaning service can help assure your facility is always looking its best so that you can focus on the rest of your business. So, what can the best office cleaning services provide you, your facility, and your bottom line?


Does Your Facility Sparkle?

We all know that we aren’t supposed to judge a book by its cover, but we all do. Like it or not, the overall condition of your facility says a lot to potential customers, employees and tenants. Are you sending the message you intend? A sparking facility sends a message that your company is serious about quality.  Unfortunately, when you work in your building all day, it can be easy to tunnel vision out the areas that need the most attention. It can be all too easy to get used to the dirt or needed maintenance that is piling up bit by bit.

So, when you look at your complaint or suggestions box, you should ask yourself a couple of questions. Are they accurate? Are there areas of your building that really do need some attention? Likewise, walk through your facility and try to see things with a fresh set of eyes. How does a customer or prospective customer might see it. What do you see? Carpets that sorely needs a cleaning? Floors that need stripping or cleaning? Dusty light fixtures? Walls that are scuffed and dirty? Office restrooms that have a certain funk?


Make a Diamond Perfect Impression with New Employees

First impressions with customers are important, however, it can be equally important with employees and prospective employees. The cleanliness of your workplace speaks volumes about the culture and atmosphere of your company. An office that isn’t cleaned regularly and properly sends a message to your employees that quality and performance aren’t a priority for your company. It may not be something that is discussed around the water-cooler, but it is certainly something the lingers in the back of everyone's minds.

If you aren’t having your facility regularly cleaned by a professional commercial cleaning company, it is going to send a couple of dangerous messages. First, the highest level employees will not want to work for an organization that does not consistently perform at a high level in all areas. Second, by losing quality employees, you lose valuable role models for your other, lower performing staff and as a result productivity, engagement and quality will suffer greatly through a facility wide domino effect.


Just Cause its Shiny, Doesn't Mean it is Clean

Looking at your commercial cleaning as simply a cost to be subtracted from your budget is a fundamentally flawed view. Commercial cleaning in your facility is an investment in your business, your people and your future time. Cleaning that isn’t don’t correctly is detrimental to the overall health of your facility, aids the transmission of disease and can even lower the air quality in your building. Research shows that the cleaner the workplace, the better employees health is. Likewise, healthy employees are directly related to fewer sick days and less turnover. A well cleaned, healthy building will help protect your employees and set the right tone at the office.


Halting the Spread of Disease in Your Building

There are two types of clean, the kind of clean that is visible and the kind of clean that is not. It is always nice to walk into a room that is fresh and clean. But, just because the room appears to be clean doesn't always mean it is. Bacteria and other pathogens can infect a surface such as door handles, computers, phones, light switches among other things unseen. Does your office cleaning company not only clean things to make them look clean but clean things to make them truly clean? Do they office cleaning best practices make sure that your facility not only looks clean but is clean? Do they use up to date cleaning chemicals and equipment? Do they train their staff to use these cleaners, practices and different equipment to give you the best results?


Fewer Sick Days Means Employees Shine Brighter

Reduced sick days and healthier employees in a cleaner office atmosphere will almost always result in a dramatic boost in productivity. A sparking office will reduce the transmission of disease reducing sick days and thus mean that your employees are more productive. Sick days cause the public sector upwards of billions of dollars each year in lost productivity and revenue. A solid office cleaning service that understands how to clean for health can consistently reduce this cost to your company. Further, an office that is cluttered and unclean can further reduce productivity simply be being demoralizing and suggesting a lower standard.

Trying to work around a dirty office is wasted time and while it may only be minutes to one employee the total lost time to your company can number in hundreds of hours. A sparking office that is both uncluttered and inviting is the best way to incentivize your employees to be productive as well as reduce lost and wasted time that could be better spent.


Clean Buildings Make the Best Impressions

No one wants to go to work when the office looks like a hurricane tore through it. A sparking building is a powerful marketing tool for clients, employee and tenants. You building’s appearance is one key factor that conveys a lot about your companies values and culture separating you from other companies. No matter if you are hiring a prospective employee, leasing out a space, competing for new business or trying to meet your goals, a clean, pampered building will almost always help you get there.


Treating Your Office Assets Like Gems

Regular office cleaning can also help protect expensive building assets. Some of these include your carpeting, flooring, tiles, other surfaces and equipment that suffer from damage when they aren’t cleaned adequately and regularly. Effective office cleaning prevents unnecessary wear and tear so as to extend the lifespan of your building’s most costly assets.


Your Facility Can Shine Above the Rest With Effective Office Cleaning

A well managed facility is always accompanied by a thoughtful office cleaning program. Of course such a service will cost money, but compared to a sparkling workspace and productive employees, it seems a small price to pay. Everyone would like to have an efficient, effective, and consistent commercial office cleaning company, but maybe you’ve had so many problems with other contractors that your convinced such an office cleaning company does not exist. We are here to tell you they do. You can find a professional, reputable and experienced office cleaning company that can offer a high level of service for a wallet friendly price.  Protect your employees, you image and your bottom line by partnering with an effective office cleaning company.