Detroit Michigan Janitorial & Cleaning Services Blog

Help Your Office Cleaning Company Help You Over the Holidays

Written by Mitch Hesson | Thu, Nov 19, 2015 @ 03:40 PM

As the seasons change, so do your office cleaning demands. The holiday season can present its own set of challenges for you and your office cleaning company.

You may find with so many people out on vacation that you actually need less from your office cleaning services. Or perhaps with vendor visits or holiday parties, you actually need more from your cleaning services. The Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays can leave even the best of us counting down the days, daydreaming about the food, the family and the football. All this anticipation can make even our most engaged, effective employees make a beeline for the door at the start of holiday time off. Cluttered desks, food from that holiday party left languishing in the office fridge and more can make it challenging for your office cleaning company to deliver the highest level of service on your office cleaning. So what can you do to prepare for this joyful, yet hectic time of year and even make use of some of the downtime to keep your offices looking great?


#1: Don’t Forget To Keep Desks And Work Areas Clear And Organized

Your commercial cleaning company is normally instructed to clean the clear areas of desks without disturbing the things on them. Stacks of papers, trash, cups and any number of things carelessly left behind will make it harder to clean desks. As a facility manager or office manager, remind employees that taking a few minutes to straighten and organize their work areas before they sprint for the door at the end of the day or a in anticipation of vacation is thoughtful to colleagues and allows your commercial office cleaning services to do their job.


#2: Don’t Let The Office Fridge Become A Holiday Health Hazard

With more people taking vacation and a host of office holiday celebrations, the office refrigerator can quickly become the scariest place in your facility. Don’t let the office refrigerator become overtaken by forgotten lunches, towering plates of cakes and cookies no one wants to take home or massive catering containers. Left unmanaged, your office fridge can pose a smelly problem and even a health hazard. Are you finding it frustrating to try to get employees to claim their eight-day old Chinese takeout or half-empty drink containers? We think it’s wise to establish a regular clean out day and post a notice giving employees a chance to collect anything they don’t want pitched. It is a good idea to do a clean out just before your office cleaning company arrives so they can do a wipe down of the refrigerator and dispose of unrefrigerated food quickly so it doesn’t stink up your space.


Tip #3 Winter & the Holiday Are Peak Cold & Flu Season 

Winter is peak flu and cold season and no one wants to get sick right before the holidays. Your Michigan janitorial company should do their part by cleaning for health and focusing on hotspots and touch points, those areas that see a lot of different hands throughout the day, to reduce disease causing bacteria and help keep your people healthy. You can remind your employees to do their part. That means:

  • Don’t come to work sick. It’s not heroic, rather, it spreads illness and just prolongs increased absenteeism and lowered productivity.
  • Wash you hands, the right way!
  • Know & practice healthy etiquette like washing hands frequently, especially after coughing or blowing one’s nose and coughing into elbow rather than sleeves.
  • Use hand sanitizer and hand washing where appropriate and keep your hands away from your eyes, mouth and nose. Ideally, employees should always wash their hands after using the toilet and before preparing or eating food.


TIP #4: Use Winter Holiday Downtime to Do Deep Cleaning, Needed Maintenance or Even Preventive Maintenance

In any busy office, there are always maintenance and cleaning tasks waiting to be done. With so many employees out, the holidays might be a good time to do deep cleaning, repairs and maintenance and even preventive maintenance. Did you know that many Detroit janitorial companies also offer a number of other maintenance and commercial handyman services like, window washing, carpet and floor deep cleaning, plumbing, painting, electrical, carpentry, HVAC preventive maintenance and more? The holiday months can be the right time to address little issues in your facility before they become big ones.


Tip #5 The Winter Holiday Might Be the Right Time to Upgrade Give Yourself the Ultimate Gift

The right office cleaning company is a gift you give yourself. So if your office cleaning company is on Santa’s Naught List, it might be time to take a hard look at your office cleaning options. If you have a few solvable issues, maybe you just need to sit down and tell your janitorial services what you need offering them the chance to start fresh and get the job done well. If the issues have become problems and you have lost faith in your office cleaning service, maybe it’s time you find an office janitorial service capable of delivering responsive, consistent, quality service to your office building.

The winter holidays can present a good time to transition to a new, better office cleaning company. With diminishing office maintenance budgets and an emphasis on efficiencies and value, you deserve an office cleaning company that is committed to getting you the most effective office cleaning for your cleaning dollar. Thoughtful winter maintenance, planning and even bringing on a new more adept office cleaning company can be the answer to assuring your office is clean and ready to go during winter months and all through the year.