Detroit Michigan Janitorial & Cleaning Services Blog

What If You Could Get What You Wanted from Michigan Cleaning Services

Written by Chris Stathakis | Wed, Jan 09, 2013 @ 03:15 PM

You know that your facility could really benefit from professional janitorial services but how do you make sure you get what you want from your Michigan cleaning services? Facility cleaning is an ongoing service that will impact your business daily, so doing your homework upfront will save you potentially costly mistakes and big headaches down the road. Finding the right Michigan cleaning services contractor will insure your facilities sparkle and that the job is consistently well done.

Where Do You Start?

So where should you begin when looking for Michigan Cleaning Services? 
Start by building a proof file on each Janitorial Contractor that you are considering for hire. We all know that companies who want your business will say a lot of things, your job is to confirm that the things they say are true. It can be difficult to separate the sales pitch from the reality but weeding out substandard contractors is vital.

For example, many Michigan cleaning services contractors will say they have some big fancy training program but are they actually training their employees with this system or is it just a training binder buried on someone’s desk? Ask your potential janitorial service provider for documented proof that they are actually training employees with their system. I have witnessed contractors using someone else's Training Manual a thousand times; they simply slap their logo on it and use it as a prospecting tool, but not in the field. They key is finding companies that do what they say they are going to do.


Ask & Follow Up on References

When you ask for references, ask for an account or two that they lost. A past customer is more likely to be candid about their experience. Don’t just get the references, call them. Prepare your questions ahead of time and ask them. Most professionals understand the time and money that goes into securing a great Michigan cleaning service and will help you get the information you need. What should you ask?


  • What was the one thing that ABC Company did better than anything else?

  • How did ABC Company typically communicate with you?

  • What is something you think ABC Company needs to improve on?

  • Would you hire ABC Company again?
  • How does your current Janitorial Contractor compare with ABC Company?


Employees Versus 1099 Contractors

The use of employees rather than 1099 contractors can be an indicator of a cleaning service company’s commitment to quality people and legal, above board hiring practices. When you are considering a Michigan cleaning services company, double check that all their employees work for them as bona fide employees and not 1099 contractors. To confirm this, ask for a letter from their CPA or a Payroll Processing Company that states they all their cleaners are employees who receive paychecks that take withholdings. 


Work Instructions & How They Handle Problems in the Field

Ask to see sample work instructions that they use for employees working at other accounts. The work instructions should show what each employee should do, each day, by position. If they are really on top of things, they will also have self-inspection forms.

Ask to see a copy of an inspection that they have done for other accounts, preferably one of the accounts that they used as a reference. Look for detailed notes and realistic scores. Ask them what they do with the inspections and how they communicate deficiencies to the field.
If you have found a proficient Michigan cleaning services company, they will have an easy to communicate plan for handling problems in the field.


Make Sure Green Cleaning Isn’t Just Lip Service

If you want your Michigan Cleaning Services contractor to utilize a Green Cleaning Program, ask to see specific Green Cleaning Practices and Training. Ask to see training logs to confirm that they are currently administering the training throughout their company rather than just using the “green” manual for the purpose of closing the deal. If your prospective janitorial contractor tries to tell you that their Green Cleaning Program is based on the chemicals they use and not special training, do yourself a favor and RUN! A true Green Cleaning Program is about much more than just using the right chemicals. A Michigan cleaning services company with a quality Green Cleaning program will use high performance equipment, special chemicals and training that puts employees in a green state of mind. 


Let Someone Else Do the Legwork

Of course if you don't have a lot of time on your hands to do such thorough background checking, you could always hire a ISSA CIMS(Cleaning Industry Management Standard) Certified Contractor.
What Is CIMS Certification and how does it help you find the right Michigan cleaning services company? CIMS is given to cleaning services contractors that demonstrate consistent proficiency with regard to management, operations, performance systems, and processes. Compliance with the Standard demonstrates an organization is structured to deliver consistent and quality services. CIMS certification establishes processes, procedures, and supporting documentation proven to be characteristic of customer-driven organizations.