Detroit Michigan Janitorial & Cleaning Services Blog

Restroom Disinfection Services to the Rescue

Written by Chris Stathakis | Tue, Apr 28, 2020 @ 08:31 PM

It Can Feel Like the Coronavirus Is Everywhere You Look

Restrooms have always been among the dirtiest parts of a facility but now with the coronavirus at the top of everyone’s minds, facility restrooms seem like even more of a minefield than usual. Covid-19 has had a huge impact on Michigan and around the world. People are taking more note of cleanliness, hygiene, hand washing and risk. It is more important than ever that your restrooms are not only clean, they are disinfected. Restroom disinfection can reduce the risk of the spread of infectious diseases, including covid-19, as well as provide a clean and welcoming restroom through deep cleaning and restroom disinfection. Don’t leave health and safety to chance or risk the liabilities associated with insufficient commercial cleaning.


Why Restrooms Are Such A Hotbed For Disease-Causing Germs

Restrooms tend to be fantastic places for germs and microbes to hang out for a couple of reasons.

  • First, in a commercial facility, restrooms see a lot of action as many employees use them throughout the day. Commercial restrooms get dirtier faster than your home bathrooms because of course, there is more traffic. And we know, more people means more risk of bacteria and viruses congregating. Just one person sick in your facility could potential infect every other employee.
  • Second, restrooms by their nature involve fluids and feces and as such, are going to be a bit germier than say for instance, a supply closet.
  • Third, bathrooms are filled with touch points, they are quite literally everywhere you look. Touch points are those areas that many different individuals touch during the day, think things like the door coming in, a light switch, faucet handles, the stall door handles, toilet handles, hand dryers or towel dispensers. These hot spots provide the perfect breeding ground for Covid-19 and other infectious diseases as bacteria and viruses can be deposited by one person and then hand out there for quite some time just waiting to hitch a ride on all the people that follow.


Restrooms Can’t Just Look Clean, They Must Be Disinfected

In order to protect the health of everyone in your facility, restroom disinfecting services must be a priority. Restrooms that look clean on the surface but if there has not been proper restroom disinfecting, they still pose significant risk. In fact, improperly cleaned restrooms can actually spread germs through cross contamination making the situation even worse. A restroom disinfection service utilizes a number of best practices and technological innovations to ensure your facility restrooms are truly clean. What should a restroom disinfecting service be doing? They should:

  • Remove biohazard contaminants from your restroom.
  • Follow CDC recommended guidelines for commercial disinfection.
  • Utilize EPA certified cleaning chemicals known to be effective against SARS-CV-2, the cause of Covid-19.
  • Provide specially trained staff and appropriate oversight to assure restroom disinfection is effective.
  • Staff trained in cleaning for health, sanitation and disinfection, proper chemical use and storage.
  • Specifically target hot spots, touch points and other high-risk areas to eradicate germs where they live.
  • Utilize effective, innovative restroom disinfection methods like electric chemical atomizer fog units.
  • Utilize color coded rag system to avoid cross contamination.
  • Create comprehensive facility plan designed to meet the specific needs of your facility and your industry.
  • Provide restroom disinfection services teams with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).


Stathakis is here to help in removing biohazard contaminants from your facility. Through the usage of CDC approved disinfection methods, professionally trained staff, and over 40 years industry experience – we are ready and capable to provide additional enhanced services to disinfect your entire facility. We offer restroom disinfection services, commercial disinfection, industrial disinfection and an array of services to help you now during the current crisis and every day.