Detroit Michigan Janitorial & Cleaning Services Blog

The New Age of Office Cleaning in the Face of Coronavirus

Written by Chris Stathakis | Fri, May 29, 2020 @ 06:18 PM

Everything Has Changed

Office Cleaning is changing forever as employers, in light of the coronavirus, face an uneasy workforce as they scramble to reopen business. While the economy is beginning the process of reopening, the threat that coronavirus presents still looms over the workforce. As a Facility Manager, it is not only your job to help calm those fears, but to provide a clean and safe work environment for patrons and workers alike.


Stepping up to address these concerns is the professional office cleaning industry. Proper office disinfection services and cleaning has always been critical for smooth building operations, but now it is an indispensable first line of defense against infection and the go to service to help ease fears about the safety of any business that is reopening its doors. 


How a Daytime Office Cleaning Service Protects Your Staff

With the high volume of traffic many businesses are experiencing as consumers are beginning to reenter the marketplace, it is quickly becoming apparent that nighttime office cleaning services may not be sufficient for every facility. It only takes a few hours for one infected surface to spread across your building turning it into a coronavirus nexus needlessly putting your staff and patrons at risk. With targeted daytime disinfection, however, you can drastically reduce the chances of the spread of disease around your facility. Consistent cleaning and disinfection of high traffic areas and touch points throughout the day is one of the best ways to safeguard the health of your staff and customers. The right office cleaning service also helps to create an atmosphere of safety, reassurance and care that is all too necessary in the middle of a pandemic. 


Personal Protective Equipment, Disinfectants & Commercial Office Cleaning Services

For most of us, wearing proper protective gear is common sense; so shouldn’t your cleaning teams be doing the same? For you and your cleaning team’s safety, they need to be wearing appropriate gear for the job, a mask, eye protection and gloves, at the bare minimum. Having the correct gear for the job doesn’t just stop with personal protective equipment, however. For an office cleaning service to properly service your building they need to be using industry appropriate techniques and disinfectants. For instance, to properly disinfect a surface it first needs to be cleaned to remove dirt and grime that bacteria and other pathogens can survive under. Then, an EPA disinfectant needs to be used to kill the vast majority of disease causing pathogens - COVID-19 included. Safety in your building starts with a well prepared office cleaning service. 


Does Your Office Cleaning Company Have a Coronavirus Response Plan?

As said before, just because businesses are slowly being allowed to reopen does not mean that the threat of coronavirus isn’t present. Employees want to know how their personal safety is being addressed. Many employers are answering this call by having highly visible Day Staff disinfecting commonly touched surfaces. Does your commercial office cleaning company have a plan for an outbreak in your facility? Here at Stathakis, we are prepared to respond with a three point plan to keep your building running smoothly and minimize risks with your staff:

  1. Shut-down areas that an infected employee used and utilize CDC recommended disinfection techniques to halt the spread of COVID-19 in your facility as well as to prevent person-to-person transmission. Our first and foremost job is to protect your staff and customers. 
  2. After possibly infected areas have been shut-down, we work to do damage control by targeting areas critical to facility function so as to minimize shut-down times without taking chances.
  3. Once these areas have been properly and thoroughly disinfected by an EPA approved List N disinfectant we reopen work areas for general use. 

If your current or prospective cleaning service doesn’t have a response plan for a coronavirus outbreak in your building, you are putting yourself, your staff and your customers at risk. As the age old adage goes, “better safe than sorry”.


The Future of Professional Office Cleaning

If your office cleaning service provider isn’t keeping up with the times it may be time to make the switch to a more professional, effective, reliable company. Stathakis has over 40 years of industry relevant experience and is recognized by the ISSA as a CIMS-GB certified commercial cleaning and disinfection service provider. Not only are our daytime office cleaning staff trained, experienced professionals but we have a robust coronavirus response plan to protect your facility and staff regardless of what happens.


All of our practices and techniques are CDC and EPA backed and we use surface appropriate List N disinfectants to specifically target SARS-CoV-2. Further, all our staff have PPE (personal protective equipment) and a detailed understanding of touch points and hot spots in your facility to prevent infected surfaces from spreading. If you are in the market for a new office cleaning company or simply want a consultation on your facility you can contact us free of charge at 1-800-278-1884.