Detroit Michigan Janitorial & Cleaning Services Blog

The Difference Between a Day Porter and a Day Cleaner

Written by Chris Stathakis | Fri, Feb 03, 2023 @ 11:15 AM

The line between a Day Porter and a Day Cleaner is often blurred. Both play an essential role in keeping commercial spaces clean and tidy. However, there are some key differences between the two positions:


  • A day porter is responsible for a wide range of tasks, including touch-up cleaning, restocking restrooms, checking coffee stations, policing public areas, setting up meeting rooms, and delivering messages. They are usually employed by businesses that receive a high volume of foot traffic, such as manufacturing facilities, medical facilities, schools, office buildings, and office headquarters.


  • A day cleaner, on the other hand, is responsible for baseline cleaning tasks daily, such as emptying office trash, vacuuming, dusting, and wiping surfaces in an occupied facility setting. They are employed by businesses that want cleaning done during normal operating hours. Day cleaning is the same reoccurring task on a daily basis. In contrast, Day Porters perform a variety of tasks that require more customer interaction in a fast-paced environment.


What is a Day Porter? A day porter is essentially a maintenance worker and customer service representative rolled into one. They are responsible for a wide range of tasks such as touch-up cleaning, restocking restrooms, checking coffee stations, policing public areas, setting up meeting rooms, and delivering messages. Day porters are generally more active and involved in the daily operations of the business, providing a much-needed layer of customer service. They are also expected to be aware of what is going on in the facility and can provide valuable feedback to the management team. Day porters often work in high-traffic areas such as manufacturing facilities, medical facilities, schools, office buildings, and office headquarters. They may be asked to work during regular or extended hours, depending on the demands of their employer. Day porters are usually paid an hourly wage but may receive additional pay for working overtime or special events.


What is a Day Cleaner? A day cleaner is responsible for all the day-to-day cleaning tasks associated with a commercial facility. This includes tasks such as emptying office trash, vacuuming, dusting, and wiping surfaces in an occupied facility setting. Day cleaners have the benefit of being able to do the same job every day, so they become very adept at it with time. Day cleaners are generally more of a background presence, keeping the facility looking its best on a daily basis with minimal interaction with the customer. Day cleaners will generally be hired by businesses that require cleaning during normal operating hours, so these tasks need to be performed quickly and efficiently with minimal disruption. Day cleaners are generally paid an hourly wage and may receive overtime or special event pay for working additional hours or for special events.


The Difference Between the Two Services: The primary difference between the two services is the scope of the tasks the porter and cleaner will perform. Day porters are typically more active and involved in the daily operations of the business, providing a much-needed layer of customer service. They may be asked to perform tasks such as restocking restrooms, checking coffee stations, policing public areas, setting up meeting rooms, and delivering messages. Day cleaners, on the other hand, are responsible for more procedural-based cleaning tasks and work more in the background with minimal customer interaction. Their job involves vacuuming, dusting, and wiping surfaces in an occupied facility setting. Another key distinction between the two services is the times they are performed. Day cleaners are generally hired to perform the same reoccurring task on a daily basis, while Day Porters perform a variety of tasks that require more customer interaction in a fast-paced environment.


Which Service is Right for You? The right service for you will depend on the needs of your facility. If you have a high volume of foot traffic and need a layer of customer service, then a day porter may be the best choice. Day Porter normally performs special requests that arise from ever-changing facility needs. On the other hand, Day Cleaners perform consistent, reliable cleaning during regular operating hours and will most likely look at special requests as an interruption of their schedule. It is important to consider the scope of the services you need and the times when they need to be done. Considering these two factors will help you determine which service is right for you.



A day porter and a day cleaner can both play an essential role in keeping commercial spaces clean and tidy. However, it is important to understand the difference between the two services and which is most suitable for your business needs. Day porters are typically more interactively involved in customer service, while day cleaners are more suited to provide daily cleaning reoccurring services. By understanding the scope of the services and the times they should be performed, you can decide which service is right for you.