Detroit Michigan Janitorial & Cleaning Services Blog

Summertime Advantages to Hiring the Best Cleaning Company

Written by Mitch Hesson | Wed, Aug 22, 2012 @ 12:03 PM

by Tricia Onesian
It’s summertime here the Motor City and you want to get out and enjoy some time on the lake or around the camp fire up north before our cold winter sets in. For everyone, but especially for Facility Managers such as yourself, the best part about going on vacation is leaving the realities of your job behind and relaxing without worrying about what’s going on back at your workplace.
Too bad you can’t do that because your building looks like #$%&! Or rather, it looks like the result of outsourcing to a cheap cleaning company. And if this is what your building looks like with you onsite, then imagine how the mice will play when the cat’s away!

So, what do you do now?

To be honest you might not be able to relax on vacation this year, however you can ensure that next year will be 100% different by taking the time right now to find the best cleaning company that brings their ‘A game’ every time.

The cleaning company you’re working with right now is not a good value if they’re supplying ‘C players’. In the long run, all their inefficiencies are costing you money that you could be saving with ‘A players’. That is, with business cleaning services that are responsible, reputable, and reliable.

At first glance, the A players may appear to cost more, but when you factor in the time wasted, corners cut, and substandard service of the C players then it’s obvious where the best value really lies. The true cost of hiring a cleaning company that doesn’t get the job done isn’t worth the initial savings.

If the congratulatory feeling you had when you cut your cleaning company budget 15% by hiring the C players quickly diminished when it became evident that they weren’t doing half of what they were supposed to and you’re constantly inundated with workforce complaints against them, then it’s time for a change.

By outsourcing your janitorial service to the best cleaning company you can enjoy many advantages, some of which include:
You should be able to go on vacation confident that your building is left in good hands. In fact, you should be confident that a cleaning company is doing its job 365 days a year! When you outsource with the best cleaning company in the business, you’ll realize the value of peace of mind.