Detroit Michigan Janitorial & Cleaning Services Blog

Cleaning Service Franchisor Fear & The Shame at Coverall

Written by Jacob Cisin | Thu, May 31, 2012 @ 01:05 PM

Coverall of Detroit began their business in 1986 to provide health-based cleaning in Detroit. Over the years they have managed to have hundreds of customers on their books. Recently they’ve been all over the news for receiving $3 million bill from a Massachusetts court in a lawsuit. Coverall delivers national janitorial services using a franchise model.  With other franchisors watching closely at controversy over whether some franchise owners aren't franchisees at all, but rather employees who’ve had hire to do our jobs.

The court officials also found that the people who were claiming to be franchisees were actually employees and were mostly new immigrants. Due to this case many people have lost their trust in hiring franchisee businesses and have started bombarding questions on facility managers and business on their hiring and business practices. But this is not the end of franchisees as not all business provides the same services instead we need to be very careful and have enough knowledge before contracting work to any business.  

It is hard to believe that some of us have taken a casual approach when it comes to Commercial Cleaning. Some of us would just look up for a name of cleaning companies in the directory or online and whichever comes first on the list we hire them without having enough knowledge about the company and a lot of times this would result in bad hire. The best way to ensure that a company is worthy of your trust and will not fool you is by asking questions and doing some research work. Below is the list of some important questions which should be asked before contracting work to any business.

Is business bonded or insured?

A professional business will always have insurance bond that covers them and others in case of damages during work in your building. It demonstrates duty of care towards its employees and safety of your company’s possessions. It also insures legal and good hiring practices of employees.

How long has the company been in business?

An established business will have experience of several years; well established businesses demonstrate knowledge, well trained labor, trust and reliability.

What type of services do you provide?

Different businesses provide different services. Not all companies handle all services. Most companies will provide basic services like housekeeping, carpet cleaning, floor cleaning, and restroom cleaning. Some will go the extra mile and will provide you with additional services such as: medical cleaning, painting, maintenance, window cleaning, 24-hour emergency clean ups, and caulking & glazing.

Does your company conduct background checks before hiring?

A professional business knows the importance of background checks and will be conducting them frequently before and after hiring employees. Background checks of employees are important and must be regulated across the country. While performing background checks on employees, certain points are taken into consideration, as it’s not limited to criminal history checks. Education, employment history, reference verifications, professional licenses, and medical records are important too.

How do you charge for your services?

Some companies charge by the hour and some charge by the job. This also depends on your cleaning needs and the size of the work area. It is advised to have a quote in writing before commencing work on your building to avoid future misunderstandings. Another factor is billing: some companies now have E-Bills in place, for the convenience of the customer. This allows one to see the progress and work status. It also saves paper, stamps and hassle - just click and pay!

If you are in the Detroit, Michigan area let us know how we can help you! Stathakis offers custom janitorial, painting, and maintenance services for the entire Southeastern Michigan area. Whether you have a simple question or would like a no-obligation quote, feel free to give us a call at 1-800-278-1884.